Historical Photos of Nazi Gustav Gun, the Largest Gun Ever Built

No, this isn’t a modern weapon as may have guessed from these images, but rather one from 1941, the year after France fell. It was at this time German steelmaker and arms manufacturer Friedrich Krupp A.G. company began construction on Hitler’s Gustav Gun, which was four-stories tall, 155-feet-long, and weighed in at a massive 1,350 tons, while being able to shoot 10,000-pound shells from its mammoth 98-foot bore. Gustav was later employed in the Soviet Union at the siege of Sevastopol during Operation Barbarossa, where among other things, it destroyed a munitions depot buried in the bedrock under a bay… read more >

Federal Defense Forces of Germany (Bundeswehr) 1955 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

Psyne Co.