Colorado Buffalo

The County of Denver maintains this buffalo herd about twenty miles west of the city. The bison are direct descendants of the last wild herd of bison in the U.S. They all came from a herd of 7 bison brought from Yellowstone National Park in 1914. The bison herd can be seen from I-70 when heading west into the mountains on the right side of the road. If you are heading east towards Denver, also look to your right because the bison could be on either side of the highway. However, by the time you see them, you’ll have passed the exit for the overlook. They roam in a large natural setting so they aren’t always visible near the road. Your best chance for seeing them is to just get off exit 254 and if they are there, you’ll be able to see them at the first stop sign… read more >

Colorado 1876 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

Psyne Co.