Bad Halloween Costumes of the ’70s and ’80s

Does it get any more badass than this Chuck Norris costume? Unfortunately, most trick-or-treat attire of the 1970s and 80s was woefully bad. Generally, costumes consisted of a plastic mask and apron/smock. It was cheap, and it came in a box at your local drug store.

The video quality for this Woolworth/Woolco Halloween Advert (1977) is terrible, but this is still a must-see. Masks for boys: The 6 Million Dollar Man, Batman, Superman, and Spiderman… for girls: Holly Hobby and The Bionic Woman. As a general rule, the rubber band in the back of the mask would snap within 30 minutes of use. Plus, the apron wasn’t really a costume, but rather a lame billboard for the subject of your costume… read more >

Silver Shamrock Novelties 1982 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

Psyne Co.