When you were a child, did you ever dream about being a pirate? Perhaps you were carried away with the tales of Blackbeard, Captain Hook, and the like. Maybe the idea of being on the sea, fighting battles, and stealing treasure excited your imagination. Maybe you could see yourself with a sword and a pair of boots, with the obligatory shoulder-perched parrot and eye patch. But did you ever stop to think about what it really might have been like to live as a pirate?
Our fairy tales and history books don’t tell us the true story of pirate life…the ins and outs, ups and downs. Many of our stories and movies show us the “glamorous” side of pirate life, but we don’t get to truly understand what it might have been like to live life on the open seas. To eat, drink, and sleep as a pirate. Today I plan on taking you on a tour of REAL pirate life…the good and the bad, the adventurous and the ugly… read more >
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