A cloud of dust floats up behind us while the frog green dune buggy climbs the next hill. More dust swirls up into the air, while going around the curve, two wheels lift off the desert floor, and we nearly tip over. Mike laughs uproariously, steps even harder on the gas, the engine howls, and we land back on all fours again and charge up the hill. From that vantage point, Mike Dario, head of the Manx Club, has a good view of the Hungry Valley, an outdoor driving park located about an hour north of Los Angeles, California. The air shimmers in the heat, the white blossoms of the agave plants reach up to the sky. It’s said that there are also rattlesnakes out there somewhere… read more >
Princess of Eternia (I Woke Up Like This) 1985 Vintage Men’s T-shirt
Bunnell Motor Company 1944 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Can’t Stop the Music 1980 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt