Many years ago, before anybody lived in the Northwest, there lived a very happy creature called a Wheedle. He was big, fat, and had a very large nose. But his peaceful life was disturbed by the sound of whistling from the happy people building Seattle. This made the Wheedle grouchy. So he stole their tools, but that didn’t work. He tried to scare them, but that didn’t work. He moved to the top of Mount Rainier, but that didn’t work. He gathered up all the clouds in a bag, climbed to the roof of the Space Needle, and made it rain day and night in Seattle, and that did work. You see, it’s not easy to whistle when your lips get all wet… read more >
East Bay Grease 1970 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Tiger Beer Singapore 1932 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Frogger Leap For Your Life 1981 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt