If You Thought Mini Truckin’ Was Dead, Think Again

Do you remember the first mini truck you laid eyes on? Was it a bed dancer from the ’80s, or maybe something with Corvette tails from the late ’90s? If you haven’t kept up with the genre, then perhaps you assumed they had all rolled Cali (nose high, rear low) into the sunset, never to be seen again. Typically, when I mention mini trucks to my not-so-truck-fanatical friends, I’m met with puzzled looks and the assumption that the genre rolled over and died at the turn of the millennium. 2018 might be a long way from the mini truckin’ heyday, when they could be seen everywhere, but the genre is certainly far from gone. It actually seems to be in a period of resurgence… read more >

Truckin’ Magazine 1975 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt


Psyne Co.