In the magical 80s, there was a building set that stood apart from the rest. Capsela, originally created by Mitzubishi Pencil Company (the Uniball folks) looked like a series of clear plastic spheres with gears and motors inside. The signature Capsela modules served as both enclosure and functional component. The set came with a variety of gear options like planetary gear, worm gear, and clutch capsules. You could use chain drives and propellers. A lot of the parts were water-resistant, and part of the toy’s shtick was that you could make boats out of it with pontoons keeping most of the robot out of the water… read more >
Capsela Construction Set of Tomorrow 1978 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Totem Bowl 1958 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Avalanche Express 1979 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Dino’s Lodge 1958 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt