Frati Pawn 1989 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt


This one is for those who are into the really obscure stuff, so hang on to your hats… in the 2017 movie adaptation of Stephen King’s IT, this rather cryptic logo appears briefly in a single scene on a truck hat worn by Bower’s Gang member, Reginald “Belch” Huggins. On his walk home from school, Ben Hanscom is attacked by the Bowers Gang on the Kissing Bridge. Henry starts carving his name into Ben’s stomach, but Ben escapes to the Barrens. Not that any of this is important, but give a little context to the design which appears on screen to say ‘ERAD’ beneath a pawn symbol, but actually says FRATI with some funky underscore/line stuff obscuring the letters. The reference is to Chaz Frati’s Pawn Shop which has made several appearances in King’s stories in various forms.

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