Friend of Gai’s 1958 Vintage Women’s T-Shirt


For a good part of the last century, Gai’s Northwest Bakeries was Seattle’s largest baker, supplying high-end restaurants and fast-food chains alike, as well as area grocery stores. Founded by Italian immigrant Giglio Gai in 1932, he built the business from the ground up, but his sons Phil and Henry turned it into a powerhouse. The brother’s in cartoon form appeared on all of Gai’s delivery trucks and in advertising, but what most Seattleites didn’t know was that the cartoons depicted the Gai brothers themselves. The taller one with spectacles and chef hat was Henry, known as Mr. Inside. His shorter dark-haired companion was his brother, Phil, known as Mr. Outside.  This design is based on promotional buttons kids would receive when touring the bakery or outlet stores, a tradition that began in 1958.


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