Mopar 1937 Vintage Women’s T-Shirt


The Chrysler company was founded by Walter Chrysler on June 6, 1925, when the Maxwell Motor Company (est. 1904) was re-organized into the Chrysler Corporation. Mopar was the parts, service, and customer care organization for Chrysler Automobiles. The name is a portmanteau of the words “MOtor” and “PARts” which would later go on to be a slang term for all Chrysler vehicles. Mopar also designs and builds a small number of customized vehicles. The term was first used by Chrysler in the 1920s and was introduced as a brand starting in 1937 when the name Mopar was coined by a committee for use on containers of “Chrysler Motor Parts” antifreeze. This design is a detailed replica of the original mark designed in 1937 which was in use until 1947.


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