Sizzlean 1977 Vintage Women’s T-Shirt


Sizzlean was a cured meat product manufactured throughout the 1970s and 1980s that was marketed as a healthier alternative to bacon, though those claims were considered dubious as the product did contain less fat than bacon, but was still 37% fat by weight, causing complaints that the “lean” inference of the name was not accurate. Sizzlean was advertised through a series of memorable commercials featuring the tagline “Move over, bacon, now there’s something meatier!” which was a nod to the product’s beef origins. Swift & Co. originally produced the product and rolled it out to major United States markets in 1977. Sometime in the 90s, Swift was sold and the product took a major backseat to other initiatives, but the new owners continued to sell Sizzlean in limited markets where it performed well until about 2005.


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