Our return policy is simple. If you’re not happy with your purchase or just changed your mind, we are happy to accept unwashed, unworn returns in exchange for a refund within 10-days of delivery. To initiate a return, simply reply to your order confirmation email and let us know that you would like to return one or more of your items. We’ll provide you with return instructions, and once you provide return shipment tracking, we will await delivery of the return. Upon receipt of your return, we will refund your purchase via PayPal within 24-hours. Please note that we do not refund shipping fees, nor do we provide return shipping.
Our exchange policy is simple too! If you need a different size and would like to do an exchange, we are happy to do so within 10-days of delivery. To initiate an exchange, simply reply to your order confirmation email and let us know how we can help. We’ll provide you with return instructions, and once you provide return shipment tracking, we will get the replacement order going. See, easy. Please note that we don’t pay for return shipping, but do cover shipping on your replacement item(s)!