These photos capture the seedy, sweaty glamour of Vegas aftershows

There’s nothing more glamorous than the stage – the bright lights, the glitzy costumes, the rapt crowd. But when the spotlight is off and the audience have gone home, what’s left is its own kind of glamour – albeit one that’s a little grittier, trashier, with sweaty make-up and smudged glitter. It was this feeling that Grace Ellington and Scarlett Carlos Clarke wanted to evoke in their new shoot. “I saw the movie Cabaret at the BFI in the summer and just couldn’t stop thinking about the beauty looks in it,” says Ellington. “The heavy make-up was just stuck in my mind for months.” The iconic rhinestone make-up of Showgirls, which Carlos Clarke had just rewatched, served as another inspiration. “We wanted it to have a kind of old Vegas glamour but [also a] grimey aftershow feeling,” she says… read more >

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