Once upon a time, product placement in TV and film was a little more heavy-handed than it is today. Whereas modern cinema and marquee television might discretely focus in on a character sipping from a particular can of soda, label facing towards the camera, or linger a little too long on the logo of their phone or tablet before panning up through the rest of the shot, 25 years ago marketers weren’t sure the message was really getting through unless it had been slammed into your face, over and over, with the fury of a thousand suns. Case in point: the phenomenally over-the-top series “Viper,” which was created in the early ’90s for the express purpose of selling, you guessed it, the Dodge Viper sports car… read more >
Vito’s Seattle 1953 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Super Samuri 240Z 1973 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Seven Oaks Dairy Co. 1918 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt