When he was 14, Ed Shorer loved nothing as much as slot car racing. All his free time and spare change were spent at the track, where he and his buddies, gripping hand-held electric controllers, raced their tiny cars whipping around curves and corners. That was half a century ago. But on a hot August afternoon in Glendale, Shorer, now 66, was a boy again, reliving his adolescence. The retired schoolteacher and about 30 other enthusiasts had gathered for an invitation-only slot car race in a friend’s garage — one of 11 private tracks owned by members of the select group… read more >
Paperboy Arcade 1985 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Thriller Theater Popcorn Monster 1971 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
The Secret of The Universe 1967 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt