Padmé Amidala Naberrie was a human female senator who represented the people of Naboo during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Prior to her career in the Galactic Senate, Amidala was the elected ruler of the Royal House of Naboo. A political idealist, she advocated for the preservation of democracy as well as a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars. However, her secret marriage to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker would have a lasting effect on the future of the galaxy for decades to come.
Born in 46 BBY during the Age of the Republic, Padmé Naberrie was raised by her parents, Ruwee Naberrie and his wife Jobal, on the peaceful Mid Rim world of Naboo. Despite the humble background of the Naberrie family, Padmé was identified early for her potential in public service. Devoting her life to civic duty, she was elected queen and, therefore, adopted the regnal name “Amidala” in 32 BBY. Due to the machinations of her advisor, Senator Sheev Palpatine, Amidala’s reign was put to the test by the Trade Federation’s blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo. Unable to fight the Federation’s army of battle droids without assistance, the queen beseeched the Galactic Senate on Coruscant for help, only to see her efforts… read more >
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