The 2% Vanner National Truck-In Question

As will be detailed in the forthcoming history of the National Truck-In®, the challenge of keeping this “National eVANt” as an event “by vanners, for vanners” resulted in the development of a movement within vanning called “2%” which brought about considerable controversy about how vanners should conduct themselves and their eVANts. The 2%ers essentially believed that vanners should control as much as possible and that commercialism should be minimized. They also believed that “anything goes” as long as nobody gets hurt, and you replace what you break; i.e., “we can be as crazy as we want as long as we don’t really hurt anything or anybody.” The opposing view, the “98%” view, was that vanning couldn’t grow and sustain itself unless there were more organization and rules as well as commercial interests – that vanning should be more “main stream.” Vanning should be better organized and not as rowdy. Elements of this controversy are still an undercurrent in vanning to this day… read more at the Museum of Vanning > 

2% Vanner 1976 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

Psyne Co.