Mopar built some of the loudest, gaudiest, most cartoonish muscle cars of the ’60s and ’70s. They were perfect. You couldn’t ask more from a muscle car. Consequently, muscle car fans have driven the prices for the hottest Mopars into the stratosphere. Plymouth ’Cudas and Road Runners can demand six figures when equipped with the right powertrain and color options. The Plymouth Duster, on the other hand, are still attainable, even when equipped with desirable powertrains. Sure, they didn’t pack 440 or 426 power, but they also weighed less than the B-body Road Runner and Satellite and make an excellent platform for a street or strip car.
Like plenty of other budget-minded cars of the era, the Duster has been dismissed by many collectors who demand only the meanest muscle cars. It may be time for Dusters to shine, as enthusiasts new to early-’70s cars are beginning to recognize their appeal… read more >
Kenny Rogers Roasters 1991 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Dr. Claw and M.A.D. Cat 1983 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Heddon Lures – Make Your Own Luck 1894 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt