In the early 1960s, the Surf scene in California was peaking. Skilled fiberglass workers were in high demand by up and coming surfboard brands. One such fiberglass expert was Tracy Nelson. After honing his skills making surfboards, he launched a business idea based on another of his passions, motorcycles. With the custom motorcycle scene also in full flight, his timing couldn’t have been better. He quickly became the biggest manufacturer of motorcycle body kits in the USA, and he named his business Tracy’s Fiberglass Works.
Renowned surf Illustrator Jim Phillips (the man behind the Santa Cruz screaming hand) worked closely with Nelson creating artwork for his marketing and branding. I interviewed Phillips to discover the full story behind Tracy’s Fiberglas Works for Fuel Tank which I have the opportunity to share here today… read more >
Teli Deli 1973 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Clarke Bros. Heavy Transport 1959 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Pre’s Trail Run 1976 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt