Do Storks Eat Pickles?

Birds and pickles go together like peanut butter and jelly—wait, what? Crazy as it may seem, the Vlasic Pickle company felt that was the case and chose a stork to represent their brand in 1974. Some 40 years later, the ubiquitous mascot doesn’t seem so weird anymore. But what prompted Vlasic to choose a stork in the first place?

First, a little background: a Croatian man by the name of Frank Vlasic immigrated to the US in 1912 to try to create a better life for his family. Taking a factory job and settling down in Detroit, Frank scrimped and saved until he had enough money to start his own creamery. He eventually turned it over to his son Joe, who expanded the business to include pickles… read more >

Pickled Stork 1942 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

Psyne Co.