Yesterday, the distinctly different proportions of the Von Esser’s Speed Shop “Von T” jumped out of my Facebook newsfeed.
With a tall top almost as high off the ground as its stubby wheelbase is short, you just have to admit that the Von T is in a T-Bucket class all its own. And I’ve held a special fascination with it that has roots back before my teens.
As a kid, I was devouring every issue of Hot Rod magazine back in the late 50s. The Von Esser Speed Shop name was burned into my brain because it was one of the only Midwestern speed shops to advertise back then. Being smart, Von Esser’s ads were often “co-op” ads where the cost was shared with the manufacturer whose products they were promoting… read more >
Up-n-Down Off Road Center 1979 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
The Big Cheese 1977 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Robinson Racing BMX 1975 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt