A distant cousin to the RGS “Galloping Goose,” the USG “Blue Goose” was built in the mid-fifties out of two 1953 Chrysler bodies. The car was powered by a central 160hp engine, with dual controls and a top speed of 40mph. The “Blue Goose” would depart Plaster City preceding the first train with the quarry crew and return after the final train. This was used for years to transport crews by rail over the narrow gauge railroad (last industrial narrow gauge railway in the state, if not the whole country) between the processing mill at Plaster City California, and the gypsum mine in the Fish Mountains 25 miles away. With two front ends, it wasn’t necessary to turn it around for the return trip. After it wore out, it was acquired by the owner of the trucking company that hauled the finished sheet rock from the mill, and about 12 years ago, the vehicle was donated back to the company.
Tugs Belltown Tavern 1976 F/B Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Streaker Van Conversions 1976 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Plymouth Supercars 1970 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt