During a brief dark period in comics history (late 50s-late 60s), there arose a tedious genre of “racing comics” featuring the endlessly repetitive adventures of hot rodders, drag racers, professional auto and motorcycle speedsters, and their assorted rivals, hangers-on and romantic interests. Perhaps no publisher was better suited to bring this genre to life than Charlton Comics, a firm not often known for its originality and attention to quality. World of Wheels was a continuation of their Dragstrip Hotrodders book, now featuring the adventures of teenage stunt-cycle sensation Ken King. World of Wheels delivered what the fans wanted, though—lots and lots of technical detail about cars, engines and racing… read more >
British Moto San Francisco 1968 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Full Metal Jacket 1987 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Project A-ko 1986 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt