Sometimes, things happen in life, and our animal selves lash out reflexively. Looking at the massive two-handed slab that is the DIY Giant Grilled Cheese in the above video for example, makes you just want to undo that top pants button and scream out to the world: sweet Cheese-us in a can, that’s a big bread baby!
This windsail of a grilled cheese — the E = mc 2 of sandwiches — is one of the latest humongous food items that was made by YouTube Channel HellthyJunkFood. HellthyJunkFood has gigantized (that should be a word) many a food item in the past, including chicken tacos, pho, and this Giant Chicken McNugget, which yes, looks like a big ol’ bird boot.
Let’s see the U.S.A! 1956 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
IDGAF Green Monster 1975 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
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