The marketing strategy of the 1970s could basically be boiled down to two steps: Step (1) feature your product, Step (2) add a gorgeous lady – and “presto” you have a successful advertisement. At a time when men still held the pocketbook when it came to big purchases, it made sense to inject a little sexiness into your travel trailer brochure. As this brochure attests, Komfort knew exactly how to sell the sizzle.
This brochure from the 1970s features two lovely ladies modelling Komfort’s new trailer, with spice and pizzazz aplenty. Let’s have a look… read more and view the gallery >
County Seedmen 1947 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
P.I.E. Trucking Our People Make The Difference 1927 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
From Slave Ship to Championship 1974 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt