Bagger style motorcycles have been around for a long time, but for some reason in the early-mid 2000s, they became a thing. Like, a really big thing. The more customized, outrageous, and ostentatious, the better, some of these rolling easy chairs becoming so absurd they were nearly unrideable. There are a lot of opinions on baggers, but most of the real chopper guys feel that a bagger ain’t a chop, and we tend to agree. So to the bagger crowd pulling up to the chopper show, don’t be surprised if you get told to pound sand and hear “fuck your bagger” as you roll out. 🤣
L’Atelier du Skateboard Sports 1970 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Clean & Graffiti Free NYC 1989 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Floyd’s Barbershop Mayberry 1929 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt