Scampering to the corral post and grasping it for dear life, there he was. Pint-sized and wearing a bicycle helmet, this bull-riding neophyte seemed to be all of ten years old. He’d just been thrown by a white bull after a very short ride. Running to the perimeter seemed like a very smart idea and likely a move he was schooled to take. So dramatic! And also so curious to someone who remembers the headlines of lawsuits resulting just when someone finds something in their restaurant soup that doesn’t belong there.
Bull riders come in all shapes and forms, apparently, at Buffalo Chip Saloon in Cave Creek, Arizona, not far from the luxury Boulders Resort and Spa. We weren’t there on one of the nights when only the top pros hop the bulls, which regulars told us was something to behold. For this writer, it’s hard to imagine that those bona fide cowboys would infuse the arena with comparable excitement of watching these presumed first-timers… read more >
Red Crown Gasoline 1915 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Sergeant Preston of the Yukon 1955 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Dick Allen Products 1965 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt