Ja Rule & The Fyre Festival Scam

We’re about to get Fyre Festival 2.0, so it’s a good time to reflect on the concert that never was—and why Ja Rule was tangled in.

It would be angering to pay thousands of dollars to go to a luxurious private island full of one’s favorite musicians, artists, and celebrities—only to find out that the only activities they would be taking part in are the bare act of survival. This is precisely what happened to hundreds of attendees who arrived on the first day of the Fyre Festival in the Caribbean. This festival came together, or rather, fell apart, under the watchful eyes of founders Billy McFarland and Ja Rule.

It’s been a few years since the Fyre Festival dominated the headlines. In that time, quite a bit has happened. McFarland, who was initially sentenced to six years in federal prison, served four years. This reportedly included two periods spent in solitary confinement. On the other hand, Ja Rule was eventually cleared of any wrongdoing in connection to the event. This may have surprised many, considering how much he touted his involvement. But how did he get involved? Was any of the responsibility his? And the big question—where are both of them now? Read more >

Fyre Festival 2017 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

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