A creditable remake of the Japanese Ringu, is The Ring more comprehensible or less mysterious? It’s up to you. Already, the concept of a VHS tape that kills whoever watches it makes the film a period piece. Never mind, I expect somebody is already pitching a reboot featuring a downloadable curse. The US location was to have been Boston, but the dank mistiness of the Pacific Northwest, in Washington State and Oregon, couldn’t have been better. Interiors were filmed in the studio in sunny old Los Angeles so, as usual, it was convenient to use a few locations in California.
In fact, the very first location is in midtown Los Angeles, as Katie (Amber Tamblyn) admits to her friend Becca (Rachael Bella) that she’s already seen the sinister tape. Katie’s house is 413 South McCadden Place at West 4th Street in Hancock Park. A creepy locale – it’s only a couple of blocks south of the home of the Hudson sisters’ in What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?
It’s off to the real Seattle, though, to find the home of Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) and her son Aidan, which is the Harbor Steps Apartments, 1200 Western Avenue at Seneca Street in the city’s Central Business District… read more >
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