As was its ABC competitor “The Addams Family,” “The Munsters” was a sitcom centered on a family of Hollywood monster-inspired characters. Airing between 1964 and 1966 (also like “The Addams Family”), it reached viewers as a black-and-white program. This was the result of budgetary constraints rather than any technical challenges of the time, as the pilot episode was originally filmed in color (via MeTV). While it admittedly helped affect the atmosphere of earlier monster movies, this move is arguably what led to its cancellation in 1966.
As Decider speculates, it is possible that the growing standard of color in television shows drew enough viewers away that “The Munsters” was seen as too out of date and forced by CBS to leave America’s screens. This can beg the question, what would it have been like had “The Munsters” been in color? That can actually be easily answered, as in the 1966 film “Munster, Go Home!,” fans could finally see what had been lying beneath the show’s monochrome palate… read more >
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