Here’s a real cool mystery. Found a photograph in Roddin’ At Random taken in Guelph, Ontario way back in the summer of 1965. It shows two men, Don Hewitt, a lanky tall blonde guy with crew cut and checked shirt shaking hands with Andy Janosik from Guelph. They are standing next to their respective rides. Don’s steed and Andy’s custom Deuce hot rod coupe. It appears the two guys did some sort of race between horse and car, and the caption infers the car won due to “a longer step.” I see a bunch of people behind both of them and a field. I suspect this was some kind of exhibition deal at a county fair due to the time the pic was sent in and the crowd of people. I’d love to know if this old 32 Ford hot rod is still around and who has it! The license plate is Ontario A 71675. The engine is hopped up quite a bit with what looks like a Stromberg trio on top of a later model overhead V8 with chromed valve covers. The dual headlight arrangement is different. It also had side exiting zoomies and bobbed front fenders. Anyone knows about this rod, give us a shout. H/T>
Vance Refrigeration 1989 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Dyno BMX Graffiti Tag 1988 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Grand Systems Custom Vans 1977 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt