Were Jarts Really that Bad?

My brother reminded me over the holiday weekend. Remember no cable or cell phones? Hell, this was probably just pre-Atari; we had to be bored. What could we have even been doing?! We convinced our Dad to take us to Sears and settled on a 3-pack combo game set. Badminton, Volley-Ball and JARTS. Maybe my Dad knew exactly what he was doing. We were pretty whiny.

Are Jarts as dangerous as we’ve been told? Let’s put the pieces together. Created in the 1950s or 1960s. I couldn’t find the exact year, but it started with some guys who wanted to take their dart came outside the bar. (Brilliant) But it didn’t gain in popularity as an “outdoor sport” until the late 1970s. Manufactured by Regent, Franklin, Crown and Hasbro. Even Sears had a version… read more >

Tri-Cities Jarts Championship 1982 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

Psyne Co.