In American saloons of the Old West, you would order whiskey by the width of the bartender’s finger. For example, if you asked for two fingers of whiskey, you would get straight, room-temperature spirit poured in an old-fashioned glass to the height of two fingers. In 1976, this digit based measuring method was invoked in naming Two Fingers Tequila, with marketing leaning heavily on the name’s double entendre. Ads featured headlines like ‘two fingers is all it takes,’ and ‘I’m a two finger girl’ accompanied by beautiful women in a pair of tight jeans and a black Two Fingers Tequila shirt. The ads were a hit, so much so that they began offering the featured t-shirt as a $6.95 mail order offer. As for the actual liquor, it apparently wasn’t that bad, but also wasn’t exactly all that great, but that’s what marketing is for, right?
Lockerman’s Porting Service 1947 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Dos Bros Tacos 2013 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Alabama 1819 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt