This place was never meant for you

Walking amidst the sand and sea, or the city and sun, whatever the case may be, you find your mind wandering into the distance. The distance that seems like an endless void, where companionship is but a hope. Crossing the paths of many, but significance seems little to nothing as each rubs their shoulders on yours. This place was never meant for you. These people never appreciated you. Your talents and ambitions are nothing but a number in the system. Your mind and thoughts are an incremental contribution to the greater nothingness that we all pursue. Chasing purpose through ritual, meaning through habit and life through others all seems like an endless spiral of serotogenic pleasures that serve no purpose other than existence itself. The pursuit of man has become an oblique and disastrous toxicity that has ruptured the essence of what it means to be. Now we must all stand in line, get stamped on the forehead, patted on the back, scanned by the doorman, and judged by every eye… read more >

Sworn To Fun Loyal To None 1974 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

Psyne Co.