Tag Archives: BARN

’70s Interior Design is Back… Well, Hopefully Not All of It

Among the avant-garde, 1970s interior design trends are making a definitive comeback. “Earth tones and [...]

A Farm, a Barn, and Thousands of Country Music Fans. Jamboree in the Hills 1977

On this day 46 years ago, over 20,000 country music fans gathered at Brush Run [...]

Red Barn Family Restaurant

The Red Barn restaurant was a fast-food restaurant chain that was founded in 1961 in [...]

John Denver with his adopted son Zachary and a bear cub in the Rockies in 1978

Singer-songwriter John Denver was born on December 31, 1943, in Roswell, New Mexico. He grew [...]

I grew up like a lot of country boys and girls do…

“I grew up like a lot of country boys and girls do – amongst the [...]

Animatronic Amish Kids

Remember that one time when nearly 30 creepy Amish kid wax figures showed up on [...]

How to grow marijuana outdoors

Growing marijuana outdoors is great because you won’t need to spend a ton of money [...]

Whatever Happened to Red Barn Restaurants?

When America was fast becoming a fast-food nation in the 1960s, the Red Barn Restaurant [...]

Mr. Chicken Watkins Glen

For 50 years, locals and tourists alike made Mr. Chicken on Franklin Street in Watkins [...]

Psyne Co.