Tag Archives: vietnam
hard and fast
Keep it hard and fast they say. Thrash is what it is called nowadays. There’s [...]
NAM 1975: One of the Original Neo Geo Titles
NAM 1975 is one of the original releases for the Neo Geo. At the initial [...]
Raquel Welch entertaining the GI’s in 1967 during one of Bob Hope’s USO Christmas shows
Bob Hope’s USO tours are legendary, here we have Raquel Welch on stage during the [...]
The Vintage Posters We Put On Our Bedroom Walls In The ’60s And ’70s
Nearly every teen bedroom in the 1960s and 1970s had posters covering all the walls. [...]
The Lighter Side of Vietnam
Woody Carpenter saw death and destruction as an infantryman in Vietnam. He prefers to reflect [...]
The Fabled Story of Vietnam’s Park Lane Cigarettes
I, like many in the late 60s, had a subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine. Smokestack [...]
Brown Sugar
Not sure why they call you Brown Sugar, but I really did the leather work [...]
The Diving Horses of Atlantic City
For nearly half a century, Atlantic City, in New Jersey, United States, was home to [...]
Douglas A-4 Skyhawk: That Little Attack Jet That Could
When renowned aerospace designer Ed Heinemann of Douglas drew the A-4 Skyhawk, he would be [...]
you need only three things
“One of the greatest things about the sport of surfing is that you need only [...]