Cruising Lake Washington at 126 MPH

Unlimited hydroplane racing, at its best, represents the ultimate in “no holds barred” experimental boat racing. The door is always open to new ideas. Anything goes.

Dave Heerensperger, owner of the PAY ‘n PAK and MISS EAGLE ELECTRIC boats, stands tall as one of the sport’s all-time great innovators. He was never afraid to try something new.

Not all of his experiments with hull design and power sources met with success. His 1969 outrigger PRIDE OF PAY ‘n PAK failed to make the competitive grade. And his 1970 attempt at automotive power proved disappointing.

But Heerensperger’s 1973 success with the “Winged Wonder” PAY ‘n PAK is legendary. “Dynamite Dave” likewise deserves praise as the first Unlimited owner to win a race with turbine power in 1982.

Between 1968 and 1982, Heerensperger’s team won 25 races, including two Gold Cups, and three National High Point Championships. In 1973, the “Winged Wonder” set a world lap speed record of 126.760 on a 3-mile course on Seattle’s Lake Washington with Mickey Remund driving… read more >

Pay ‘N Pack U-1 1973 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt

Psyne Co.