This 1982 film is an adaptation of the adult fumetti of the same name by Leone Frollo, an erotic, comic version of the Biancaneve – i.e. Snow White – legend, albeit with seven wise men rather than the dwarfs that Anglophone audiences might be familiar with and a foregrounding of the sexual subtexts inherent in the original not-so-innocent tale. C’era una volta…
After Biancaneve’s mother, the Queen, dies giving birth to her, the weak willed King (Aldo Sambrell) is tricked into remarrying. A number of years pass and Biancaneve (Michela Miti) blossoms into a beautiful young woman. The wicked Queen / stepmother (Damianne Saint-Clair) resents the threat she perceives Biancaneve represents and hires Jack il silenzatore to murder the girl. Jack, however, is smitten by Biancaneve’s and cannot bring himself to kill her. Instead, after taking Biancaneve’s virginity, he takes a lock of her pubic hair and presents this to the queen as proof that Biancaneve is dead. Unable to return home, Biancaneve wanders the kingdom and has various adventures, invariably putting her in various states of undress… read more >
Nothing to Fear 1982 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Grant Performance Products 1922 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Twisted Tales 1982 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt