If you travelled Route 66 between Amarillo, Texas and Albuquerque, New Mexico at some point between 1949 and 2000, you probably at least thought about pulling off at the Westerner Drive-Inn in Tucumcari, New Mexico. Located at 1001 West Route 66 Boulevard, it was the only thing around on this particular stretch and was pretty hard to miss, and frequent travelers have undoubtedly knew it was the place to get a great meal. Operating as an old school drive in for just over five decades, the Westerner specialized in big burgers, golden fries, and traditional sodas, even offering a full breakfast menu to weary travelers.
After the Westerner Drive-Inn closed down in 2000, the building was eventually razed after falling into disrepair, but the iconic sign continued to exist for many years to come. Parts were pilfered, and others fell off over the years, but almost 25 years later, the main structure is still standing as a reminder to Route 66 travelers of days gone by.
Deer Park Drag Strip 1953 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Braniff Airways Fastest Airline 1928 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt
Popples Friendship Crew 1986 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt