Akira Capsules Gang 2019 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt


The Capsules is a non-canon name given to the teenage bōsōzoku gang that resided in Neo-Tokyo in the Akira, the highly-acclaimed cyberpunk manga, and anime film. Both founded and led by Shotaro Kaneda, The Capsules consisted of a loose group of friends including Kaneda himself, Tetsuo Shima, Yamagata, Kaisuke, Kuwata, Watanabe and Takeyama The Capsules have a deep rivalry with the Clowns biker gang. The Capsules are involved in various criminal activities, including drug dealing, vandalism and, being a biker gang, reckless driving and endangerment. This design includes the gang’s iconic namesake capsule along with their “Good for Health, Bad For Education” tagline.


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