fsociety 2015 Vintage Women’s T-Shirt


fsociety is the name of a hacker group based in Coney Island, New York, led by the mysterious Mr. Robot. Its name is a play on both the derelict amusement park building in which it has its headquarters and their message: “f**k society.” The group is highly secretive, electing to meet and communicate in person, rather than through digital means which may be traceable. fsociety is responsible for the massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that took E Corp offline before Elliot stopped them. After the attack ended, Elliot found a file left on one of the E Corp servers by fsociety. Rather than delete the file, Elliot changed the access permissions on the file to allow only himself access to it. Later, he was approached by Mr. Robot on the subway, and taken to Coney Island to see the group’s headquarters.


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