Mordedura de Serpiente 1947 Vintage Men’s T-Shirt


Mordedura de Serpiente (Snake Bite) has remained one of the most wanted tequilas among enthusiasts for decades and for good reason. This small-batch brand has been crushing its proprietary agave using a traditional hand-cranked tahona (stone wheel) since it’s inception in 1947. But the agave crushing process isn’t the only part of production that is handwork as literally every single step of making this 110 proof tequila made in Mexico’s Jaliscan Highlands is done by hand. The fact that there is nothing modern about the production process and batches are made exclusively in very low quantities makes for a truly unique tequila, unlike any other tequila you’ve ever experienced. Mordedura de Serpiente is only sold direct and by the bottle at their family compound and isn’t sold online or otherwise exported, so scarcity is a big reason why it is so coveted by hardcore tequila fans and has developed a cult-like following among bartenders and aficionados alike. While you may never see one of these rare tequilas in your lifetime, you can at least get the t-shirt.


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